
Hydrologic thresholds and changes in ANPP of artificial sand-fixing vegetation in a desert-oasis ecotone in Northwest China 李芳 2017
Climatic or tectonic control on organic matter deposition in the South China Sea? A lesson learned from a comprehensive Neogene palynological study of IODP Site U1433 苗运法 2017
Stemflow volume per unit rainfall as a good variable to determine the relationship between stemflow amount and morphological metrics of shrubs 张亚峰 2017
Human activity impacts on the stem radial growth of Populus euphratica riparian forests in China's Ejina Oasis, using tree-ring analysis 彭小梅 2017
河西边缘绿洲荒漠沙地开垦后土壤性状演变及土壤碳积累研究 苏永中 2017
科尔沁沙地不同草地植物群落功能性状对封育和放牧的响应[J] 张晶 2017
多年冻土区青藏公路路基边界温度及计算模型研究 易鑫 2017
冻土水热力耦合研究现状及进展 路建国 2017
一种基于MODIS积雪产品的雪线高度提取方法 鲍伟佳 2017
1980-2015年青藏高原东南部岗日嘎布山冰川变化的遥感监测 吴坤鹏 2017
Modeling Glacier Mass Balance and Runoff in the Koxkar River Basin on the South Slope of theTianshan Mountains, China, from 1959 to 2009 许民 2017
The Temporal and Spatial Variation of Positive Degree-day Factors on Koxkar Glacier over the South Slope of Tianshan Mts., China, from 2005 to 2010 许民 2017

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